2024 Hymn Competition

Terms and Conditions

  1. Entries are invited in one (only) of the three listed categories:
    1. Original text to a well-known melody
    2. Original text to an original melody
    3. Original melody to a Fred Pratt Green text
    For category (a), please include the hymn text's meter and/or preferred well-known melody or alternatives. For category (b) or (c), please provide both text and music in a format listed under (3).
  2. For entries in Category C, you may select a hymn-text written by Fred Pratt Green. Hymn texts are available through HymnQuest or via hymnary.org
  3. The submitted work must be unpublished and suitable for use in collective worship. Please ensure entries are clear and legible, with a musical score (or melody-line) in pdf or jpg format. MP3 recordings are warmly welcomed.
  4. Entries will be judged anonymously but entrants must provide their name, full address, email address, and phone number.
  5. Entrants will retain full copyright of their work. The winning entries will be featured on the Pratt Green Trust website, with photo(s) and bio of the writer(s)/composer(s), together with a short synopsis of the Judging Panel's comments.
  6. The decision of the Judging Panel will be final. The Pratt Green Trust retains the right to include one or more of the winning entries in a radio broadcast during 2024.